Helping our Partners with
Go to Market Strategy,
Capital Injection,
Client Acquisition
Expanding Possibilities

Go to Market Strategy
Don’t launch your product or service until you’ve got your go-to-market strategy entirely clear! Startups, and small businesses, often launch projects without being fully aware of who makes up their target audience, the audience’s pain points, the size of the market, their competitors’ positions, the gaps in the market and proper pricing for what they will offer.
Incomplete awareness of these factors means you’ll be learning as you go and your marketing budget will almost certainly leak, without producing the results you expect. We offer consultancy that answers all the questions you need answering before going to market. We research and identify your ideal client profile and the optimal strategy for entering your specific market place.
We also supply every piece of information and the operational assets that’ll smooth your entry and speed you towards opportunities for generating revenue.

Capital Injection
You’ve got big plans for your business, but a lack of cash prevents you from pursuing goals you know your company could accomplish.
To help you reach the next level, we offer companies facing this situation access to a network of selected VCs and angel investors, ready to inject between $10,000-$1M into companies like yours.
We also provide the support needed to acquire the funds you want from the network, as well as guidance in selecting the investor who offers the highest value non-cash input – input that’ll significantly increase the chances of seeing your business grow sooner than it could otherwise.

Client Acquisition
It’s a commonly held misconception that businesses usually fail due to cash flow issues, but we see it differently.
For us, it’s the lack of client acquisition know-how that causes many companies to shut down shop. Entrepreneurs hear the advice: “Preserve a 6-12 month buffer to avoid fatal cashflow issues”.
Most entrepreneurs are willing to accept this notion as they generally see their business idea as impressive, with great potential to generate revenue soon, whether validated by the market or not. From our perspective, the ‘cash buffer’ solution is a crude remedy at best. Instead, we believe what’s best for your business is access to client acquisition know-how, made available to you in such a way that you entirely avoid these otherwise terminal issues.
Acting as a partner, Wave Growth provides you with access to this expertise and provides ongoing sales support you’ll need to put that knowledge to use within your business so that growth can take place.